What to Expect from a Reiki Session

A Reiki session is a individually unique experience that aims to promote relaxation, balance, and the flow of positive energy throughout your body.

Here's what you might typically expect during a Reiki session with Melina:

  1. Preparation and Intention Setting: The session may begin with a brief conversation with the Melina, the Reiki practioner. This is a time to discuss any specific issues or intentions you have for the session. It's important to share any physical or emotional concerns you'd like to address so she may best support you in your journey.

  2. Relaxation: You'll be invited to lie down fully clothed on a cozy massage table where soothing music and dim lighting create a calm and safe space for you to fully relax. Melina will guide you through some deep breathing or relaxation exercises to help you feel more grounded in your body.

  3. Energy Flow: With your consent, Melina will then place her hands lightly on or near specific areas of your body, following the energy centers of the body. This is intended to facilitate the flow of healing energy. You may feel a sensation of warmth, tingling, or simply deep relaxation.

  4. Mental and Emotional Experience: People's experiences with Reiki can vary. Some people experience visualizations, emotional releases, or deep insights, while others simply feel a sense of peace and rest. It's essential to go into the session with an open mind and let your experiences unfold naturally, and to not judge your experience. No two Reiki sessions are a like.

  5. Closing the Session: When the Reiki stops flowing, Melina will conclude the session by gently awakening you back to your physical body with a grounding exercise. You might take a few moments to reorient yourself, and you will have the opportunity to discuss your experience with Melina if you wish.

  6. Post-Session: After the session, it's a good idea to drink lots of water and take some time for journaling and personal reflection. Reiki will continue to work in the days following a session, so it's not uncommon to notice changes or improvements afterward.

Keep in mind that while some people experience immediate benefits from a single Reiki session, others find that the effects are cumulative and become more pronounced over a series of sessions. The specific sensations and experiences during a Reiki session can vary widely from person to person. It's essential to approach Reiki with an open mind, as it is primarily a complementary therapy that aims to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support overall well-being.

If you have specific health concerns, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional in conjunction with seeking energy-based therapies like Reiki.

  • I had a fantastic reiki session with Melina. Her studio space is incredible! Cozy, warm, and really peaceful. The reiki session was a fantastic step on my healing journey. Melina is so kind and caring and explained everything so well. I left feeling calm and wonderful.


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